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350 East 56th Street
New York, NY, 10022
(212) 688-1545
Catholic, All-Girls Prep

Principal: Maria Spagunolo
Admissions Director: Johanna Velez
Students: 500
Teachers: 45
Average Class Size: 20-25
Top 5 or Most Unique Extracurricular Activities: Student Council, STEAM, Mock Trial, Book Club, Dance, Drama, Green Club, Moxie, Basketball, Billiards, LaCrosse, Fencing, Soccer, Softball, Track, Volleyball and much more.
Open House: Sunday, October 17, from 12 to 3 p.m. and Wednesday, October 27, from 6 to 8 p.m.
Percentage of Seniors Attending College: 100 percent graduated and 98 percent are attending two- or four-year colleges.
Top 2021 Seniors Attending: Rice University, Cornell University, New York University, University of Pennsylvania and University of Southern California.
College Credit Courses: English, Spanish, Calculus, Statistics, Biology, Environmental Science, Psychology, Global History, U.S. History and Politics
Admission Requirements: Grade average 80’s and above, good TACHS exam score and general good conduct and attendance.
Motto: Belong. Believe. Become
What makes Cathedral a Top High School? Academic success has been synonymous with Cathedral since its founding in 1905. As a college preparatory school, it has educated generations of young women to meet their scholastic potential. They offer a number of Honors and AP Courses, as well as Academies in the field of Medicine, Law & Business and STEM.
Students in these programs are placed as interns in institutions such as Lenox Hill Hospital, Mount Sinai Medical Center and at prestigious New York law firms. They offer a very competitive tuition and graduates earn over millions of dollars in college scholarships and grants.